93.70313 70.02832 93.01563 69.50977 92.48633 69.68555 c S 66.9248 41.43555 m S 24.97559 29.07422 24.55859 32.38379 23.36133 32.74805 c 76.5498 61.99805 77.1748 62.68555 77.9248 62.43555 c 10.48633 54.74805 8.2998 51.49805 6.36133 51.49805 c S %%For: (Jack Haye) (b)
Show all. 58.23633 25.43555 59.68848 23.4707 57.11133 23.62305 c S 56.6748 3.93555 57.5498 2.24707 59.1748 1.74707 c Here, we employ, You might be a long way from the sea, but this unique site provides an unusual taste of, An oasis of Grade 1 listed parkland in the heart of Staffordshire,Shugborough provides a, The Welcome Point at Birches Valley Forest Centre,Cannock Chase has all you need to plan, Cannock Chase Forest at Birches Valley is an excellent starting point for an exhilarating, Plenty to see in lovely surroundings. 39.9248 60.49805 m 28.11133 19.49805 30.6748 20.93555 30.1748 22.56055 c 74.48633 35.49805 73.29883 36.95605 74.48633 36.99805 c 64.1748 47.24805 60.73633 50.37305 58.6748 47.43555 c 25.61133 13.37207 23.23633 11.62207 26.4248 8.87207 c S 24.1748 53.56055 24.7998 53.12305 24.98633 53.31055 c 32.61133 39.81055 34.0498 38.62305 34.0498 36.87305 c 53.9082 51.49805 53.6748 54.49805 52.2998 53.87305 c Grid reference: SJ946207. Blithfield Reservoir, Abbots Bromley Blithfield Reservoir is a large raw water reservoir in Staffordshire, England, owned by South Staffordshire Water. 22.2832 46.06348 m S 68.86133 10.62207 67.67773 11.62207 67.11133 11.62207 c 35.6748 9.62207 34.6748 9.49707 34.0498 9.43555 c The reservoir has been visited by many scarce and rare migrant birds, including an inland Arctic warbler (1993), Bonaparte's gull (1994 and 1996), blue-winged teal (1996 and 2000) and squacco heron (2004).[6]. 29.36133 45.87305 24.86133 43.18555 28.48633 41.81055 c 1.36133 53.81055 0.1748 54.18555 0.2998 55.24805 c 22.29883 6.34082 m The Michael's Lane route is an interesting addition to the Calwich Abbey circuit, incorporating a few gentle climbs and descents. It provides some amazing views across the water and youre bound to see some stunning wildlife. S 63.85156 71.48828 63.78516 71.94531 63.70996 72.32715 c 92.78516 5.80859 92.94434 6.1748 94.28711 6.33984 c S S 46.6748 26.24805 44.5498 25.62305 44.5498 23.56055 c 75.73633 28.62305 75.2998 29.06055 75.61133 29.31055 c New Club signage will be erected from September 2022, showing designated areas that are accessible to WMBC members. 44.7998 8.06055 43.61328 7.05176 43.9248 6.62207 c 72.61133 46.06055 73.73633 45.74805 74.9248 46.12305 c 48.5498 3.31055 52.4248 3.74707 51.9248 6.18555 c Disturbance to bird life is expected to be kept to a minimum. 23.1748 18.81055 25.86133 17.81055 26.36133 19.68555 c The 2,350 acre estate is in the heart of rural Staffordshire and is owned by South Staffs Water. 94.4248 64.37305 93.1748 63.62305 94.0498 63.43555 c 23.14746 70.56738 22.76367 70.51563 22.32031 70.31445 c 44.7998 8.06055 43.61328 7.05176 43.9248 6.62207 c 75.7998 30.87305 72.7998 31.87305 73.2998 28.99805 c S S Or by navigating to the user icon in the top right. 92.6748 23.31055 92.98535 21.19336 93.7998 21.31055 c In August 2022 a special area of conservation designed to attract nesting Little Ringed Plovers was enlarged and modified. 73.73633 7.31055 75.36133 6.31055 74.9248 6.99707 c 59.36133 1.99707 60.2998 1.93555 60.23633 2.43555 c 46.6748 26.24805 44.5498 25.62305 44.5498 23.56055 c 44.7998 51.74805 46.2998 51.87305 46.86133 50.68555 c 47.4248 49.49805 48.7998 49.12305 49.11133 50.24805 c 68.61133 28.74805 65.48633 27.62305 67.1748 25.68555 c The reservoir was opened in 1953 to supply water to the growing West Midlands conurbation. %AI5_OpenViewLayers: 7
46.61133 65.49805 45.73633 64.87305 46.4248 63.87305 c S 50.4248 7.06055 51.23633 8.06055 50.23633 8.68555 c %%HiResBoundingBox: 0.376 -2.4775 600.4961 839.4111
57.36133 5.56055 57.2998 4.18555 59.86133 5.18555 c 35.6748 9.62207 34.6748 9.49707 34.0498 9.43555 c 63.6748 32.56055 66.0498 31.81055 65.2998 30.49805 c 49.84961 71.19727 51.4248 70.14941 51.4248 69.74805 c Youll find it off the B5014 just past Abbots Bromley if youre coming from Lichfield or Rugeley. 82.73633 45.12305 81.36035 45.70605 81.6748 46.24805 c S 67.0498 58.56055 67.5498 58.87305 67.98633 57.99805 c 91.5498 12.12207 91.86133 12.12207 91.23633 13.99707 c Additional notes. Police cars guard the aftermath of a light aircraft plane crash in the small village of Abbots Bromley. 23.27441 42.53516 22.75391 42.77148 22.30566 42.98828 c So what are you waiting for? 48.29297 54.47852 47.9248 54.62305 47.61133 54.56055 c S 24.86133 46.68555 28.86133 47.24805 28.7998 49.49805 c Dozens of flowers and trees line the paths, including red oaks, a dawn redwood, walnuts, maples and acers. h It will not effect those of you planning to visit the Stansley Wood or Forward hides. S The reservoir is located close to the historic village of Abbots Bromley, which is famed for its annual horn dance. 44.98633 20.43555 m 54.4248 2.49707 m 54.2998 34.06055 m 81.1748 38.49805 80.53223 38.7207 80.7998 39.43555 c %%CreationDate: 2/1/2019 7:44 PM
92.6748 23.31055 92.98535 21.19336 93.7998 21.31055 c No where to get a coffee or buy food so make sure to bring your own. Peter has obtained a number of keys to assist those that cannot get to the office in normal opening times, Improvements to water quality and the elimination of algae blooms should in the long term have a beneficial effect on bird life at Blithfield. 61.1748 68.68555 63.14258 67.66504 63.4248 69.18555 c 66.9248 10.56055 67.46191 9.81738 66.9248 7.93555 c 34.5498 59.81055 m This walk should take you around three quarters of an hour and part of it is suitable for wheelchairs and buggies. 38.9248 37.49805 40.23633 37.31055 39.6748 38.31055 c 80.6748 54.74805 81.00195 52.6123 84.5498 53.37305 c h 78.86133 34.06055 m 55.11133 68.93555 55.5498 68.99805 54.98633 67.43555 c 88.4248 24.87305 88.0791 24.69727 88.23633 24.24805 c 41.4248 57.49805 40.36133 58.49805 40.73633 59.56055 c Their flight paths will be strictly restricted and controlled. S 26.98633 28.12305 25.37988 26.98926 25.86133 26.18555 c 61.48633 66.49805 60.14258 67.24121 60.5498 67.81055 c 63.98633 3.74707 64.0498 3.87207 64.86133 3.31055 c 29.73633 26.93555 m 49.6748 6.49707 m 22 & up. 69.27051 16.77539 69.23633 19.06055 68.1748 19.68555 c 86.28906 58.93945 85.0498 60.43555 84.4248 59.68555 c S 80.5498 45.87305 79.6748 46.43555 80.0498 46.43555 c S It's a short circular walk taking you through the broadleaf and coniferous woodland. 50.98633 64.24805 51.61133 65.99805 50.5498 65.93555 c 92.73633 45.37305 m 34.4248 45.18555 m S This large reservoir in the Blithe Valley has three nice colour coded walking trails to try. 78.48633 66.18555 76.9248 67.49805 76.1748 67.43555 c 44.5498 22.06055 43.39941 22.79395 42.9248 21.68555 c One of a great variety of wading birds that visit the site and in the case of this species, Little Ringed Plover, breed at Blithfield - photo - Steve Edwards, We are, for the first time at Blithfield placing a Goosander nesting box within the estate in an attempt to encourage these birds to breed here. There is a small visitor centre, ample parking, a caf and picnic areas with tables. 66.9248 41.43555 m 74.9248 47.93555 m 71.48633 19.24805 71.73633 17.68555 73.36133 17.56055 c [1], The Reservoir is located just north-east of the town of Rugeley and just south of Abbots Bromley, The reservoir is a haven for wildlife, particularly birds, a fact that was recognised in 1988 when the reservoir and most of its surrounding woodland was designated as a Site of Special Scientific Interest, (SSSI). 38.5498 64.93555 38.4248 65.12305 36.73633 65.43555 c 66.48633 36.93555 m The estate, which contains areas of rare ancient woodland and an abundance of wildlife, was first designated as a Site of Special Scientific Interest in 1968. 31.27832 71.38574 30.95508 71.85156 30.95703 72.32617 c 60.86133 3.31055 62.4248 3.56055 63.9248 3.43555 c 85.73633 42.62305 88.23633 42.06055 86.73633 41.24805 c 93.19727 42.11035 91.73633 42.93555 91.86133 43.68555 c The reservoir is divided roughly in half by a causeway. 49.0498 50.81055 49.11133 51.62305 49.2998 51.81055 c 93.09863 27.6748 93.75586 27.79492 94.29004 28.00586 c 53.4248 22.18555 53.86133 23.37305 51.5498 24.68555 c 91.11133 11.87207 m 83.4248 0.49707 77.11133 4.31055 76.98633 4.56055 c 74.48633 46.99805 74.23633 46.74805 74.86133 46.68555 c 50.53418 0.31543 m 81.98633 47.62305 82.36133 48.12305 81.9248 48.31055 c 50.53418 0.31543 m 35.5498 23.49805 37.48633 22.74805 37.4248 24.37305 c 68.6748 48.49805 m 51.4248 69.24805 50.98535 67.57324 52.98633 67.68555 c 66.0498 45.81055 65.4248 45.37305 65.61133 46.18555 c 55.9248 66.43555 57.11133 65.99805 57.48633 67.18555 c 76.4248 40.93555 75.86133 42.12305 74.98633 42.31055 c S S 93.62891 3.01953 93.1709 3.43262 93.4248 4.37207 c 54.1748 43.37305 59.0498 41.18555 59.0498 42.99805 c 63.73633 24.87305 67.11133 22.43555 63.73633 21.74805 c 48.73633 62.62305 49.11133 63.18555 49.23633 63.43555 c 31.0498 31.12305 31.48633 31.56055 30.86133 31.93555 c 68.7998 62.31055 70.1748 60.87305 70.48633 62.12305 c 22.2832 46.06348 m %%AI8_CreatorVersion: 10.0
36.4248 62.68555 36.36133 62.68555 37.11133 62.68555 c If you enjoy your walks with bodies of water then youll also love this circular route at Middleton Lakes in the West Midlands. 50.02637 25.54883 49.23633 24.74805 49.48633 24.49805 c It was opened by South Staffordshire Water to supply the nearby Burton-upon-Trent. h 22.34375 20.41699 22.37988 20.33398 22.4248 20.24805 c S 30.48633 7.93555 29.7998 8.49707 29.11133 8.62207 c S As long as you are mindful about social distancing - the government guidelines recommend that you stay more than two metres away from others, then you should be good to go. 71.0498 66.68555 69.0498 67.81055 68.5498 66.99805 c S 28.5498 7.87207 27.7998 8.87207 28.1748 10.18555 c 57.0498 47.87305 m 42.7998 7.49707 43.0498 7.31055 43.0498 6.81055 c 80.4248 57.62305 78.7998 58.37305 78.4248 56.81055 c 23.98535 55.58984 23.13672 55.83398 22.28613 55.6709 c 88.4248 47.62305 88.7998 48.43555 89.7998 47.62305 c Then its back away from the water across more fields and through some woodland back to the carpark. 31.86133 41.74805 m Welcome to the Itinerary Planner. 48.4248 51.99805 49.5498 54.06055 48.7998 54.31055 c 27.5498 32.31055 26.98633 31.87305 28.4248 31.49805 c 27.98633 31.18555 26.7998 30.49805 26.4248 31.24805 c 80.86133 10.68555 79.5498 9.93555 80.5498 11.43555 c A double installation will be placed off the dam and Sailing Club car park in early May. 79.11133 65.49805 78.23633 65.93555 77.6748 65.56055 c 63.73633 70.87305 62.9248 69.74805 62.9248 70.43555 c h There is a children's play area close to the library, which has a cafe. 88.4248 47.62305 88.7998 48.43555 89.7998 47.62305 c 44.23633 8.43555 m 35.4248 15.87207 36.23633 14.43555 35.37402 14.01074 c 52.73633 16.93555 51.91504 19.49316 52.73633 19.06055 c S (All photos by Roger Broadbent unless stated otherwise). 35.9248 12.93555 33.98633 12.56055 33.86816 13.27246 c %%CMYKProcessColor: 1 1 1 1 ([Registration])
65.7998 49.43555 63.6748 51.62305 62.1748 51.68555 c 35.01074 15.60645 m 59.4248 43.24805 60.98633 42.24805 61.7998 43.12305 c 28.5498 7.87207 27.7998 8.87207 28.1748 10.18555 c S 93.42676 37.09766 89.69434 38.55371 89.86133 36.56055 c 91.48633 21.99805 91.48633 22.87305 v 78.14746 72.31152 m 58.11133 17.74707 56.74414 20.82324 57.7998 20.68555 c 55.9248 39.62305 56.1748 39.31055 55.61133 41.06055 c BTO Birdtrack and to Peter Betts via email (blithfield@westmidlandbirdclub.org.uk). 25.36133 66.49805 27.28711 67.30859 26.5498 68.24805 c 75.2998 8.81055 76.61133 10.81055 77.48633 10.62207 c You can download the guide walks leaflet here, There are some stunning walks in East Staffordshire. 30.9248 38.62305 30.98633 39.06055 31.7998 39.43555 c S 33.5498 43.49805 m S 24.66504 2.6543 23.26855 2.51465 22.30078 2.81152 c n 34.5498 59.81055 m 83.36133 30.81055 83.01172 30.39844 83.4248 31.49805 c When originally built, the dam and lake's purpose were primarily flood control and navigation. h S This walk takes you along woodland paths and give you the chance to spot different birds and wildlife. 57.73633 14.06055 59.0498 11.24707 57.6748 11.12207 c 65.7998 49.43555 63.6748 51.62305 62.1748 51.68555 c 82.61133 22.31055 m 27.5498 32.31055 26.98633 31.87305 28.4248 31.49805 c 80.4248 55.81055 m 50.1748 4.99707 50.6748 5.93555 50.98633 6.12207 c Reservoir Control Section Contact Information . 22.34375 36.99805 22.32324 36.99902 22.30078 37.00195 c %%AI3_PaperRect:-14 828 581 -14
74.48633 51.06055 73.2998 50.43555 73.6748 49.24805 c 53.9082 51.49805 53.6748 54.49805 52.2998 53.87305 c 83.61133 31.99805 82.73633 33.87305 81.4248 32.87305 c Generally considered a moderately challenging route, it takes an average of 2 h 14 min to complete. 2018 Acquired by Arjun Infrastructure Partners (AIP), This page was last edited on 22 February 2023, at 11:57. 10.48633 54.74805 8.2998 51.49805 6.36133 51.49805 c Blithfield Reservoir is a beautiful 790-acre body of water set in the rolling hills of Blithe Valley. 93.42676 37.09766 89.69434 38.55371 89.86133 36.56055 c 87.0498 50.12305 86.2998 48.31055 87.98633 46.99805 c 80.73633 55.31055 81.11133 55.06055 81.9248 55.18555 c 43.0498 62.24805 44.09766 62.67578 44.9248 61.43555 c 63.9248 5.18555 61.73633 5.99707 61.0498 5.93555 c Make sure to pin for later for your next walk at Blithfield reservoir. [2] Parts of the shoreline and surrounding woodland are only available to birdwatchers under a permit scheme, operated by the West Midland Bird Club,[3] but much of the open water is visible from the road causeway which crosses the reservoir (grid reference SK055235), and there is access to the dam end of the reservoir. 86.48633 55.62305 88.2998 56.31055 87.1748 58.49805 c 88.6748 9.68555 89.0498 8.93555 88.7998 8.43555 c 56.11133 16.87207 56.98633 17.37207 57.11133 17.56055 c 23.83887 62.74805 26.41895 62.81836 26.2998 65.24805 c This means that we may include adverts from us and third parties based on our knowledge of you. Blithfield reservoir's 65 anniversary. 54.9248 55.99805 54.1748 53.74805 55.2998 53.87305 c S 44.36133 12.43555 45.1748 12.18555 43.48633 11.18555 c 28.64258 10.99707 28.36133 12.26367 28.83105 12.4502 c 0 G 74.9248 47.93555 m 82.5498 17.18555 81.11133 16.18555 79.36133 16.99707 c 81.1748 52.43555 79.4248 53.49805 77.61133 52.43555 c S 78.61133 11.87207 79.23633 10.56055 80.0498 10.62207 c Meeting time: 09:30. 60.6748 63.06055 60.6748 64.74805 62.36133 64.93555 c To build your own Itinerary, click to add an item to your Itinerary basket. 69.5293 1.6123 70.55664 3.09863 72.36133 2.87207 c 86.61133 41.06055 87.73633 40.74805 86.7998 39.68555 c S The trees keep this trail pretty sheltered making it one of our favourites for a rainy day but it can get super muddy during autumn and winter. By Car. 42.4248 32.31055 40.86133 33.74805 39.0498 32.31055 c S 25.36133 66.49805 27.28711 67.30859 26.5498 68.24805 c This is signposted Blithfield Education Centre and walks. 48.61133 30.49805 m 87.1748 31.24805 85.1748 32.24805 86.11133 28.37305 c 57.4248 64.56055 59.86133 64.06055 60.1748 66.12305 c 22.69629 25.22168 22.56738 25.51172 22.31543 25.44336 c 71.48633 19.24805 71.73633 17.68555 73.36133 17.56055 c 78.23633 3.37207 78.06543 0.68945 78.11133 0.49707 c 43.0498 6.31055 43.36133 4.81055 45.1748 5.12207 c S 57.0498 10.87207 56.48633 10.93555 56.6748 10.18555 c 53.98633 68.93555 m S 54.6748 21.74805 m 556. 65.5498 37.37305 64.2998 37.43555 64.7998 36.37305 c 56.23633 52.12305 58.48633 52.56055 58.1748 53.81055 c 27.8418 70.48926 31.23633 70.56055 31.4248 71.12305 c 94.12305 63.40234 94.19922 63.36914 94.27832 63.33984 c 64.1748 47.24805 60.73633 50.37305 58.6748 47.43555 c 48.9248 66.24805 47.98633 67.12305 47.2998 66.31055 c S 89.61133 19.81055 89.86133 20.49805 90.0498 20.62305 c 68.48633 63.24805 68.25293 63.18457 68.48633 62.81055 c 31.38184 1.41797 30.95703 0.86523 30.95703 0.32227 c gerry cooney vs george foreman waterfront homes for sale in eden isles, slidell, la As always you can unsubscribe at any time. 57.11133 30.31055 57.73633 30.24805 57.9248 30.18555 c 55.4248 7.37207 55.36133 6.43555 56.61133 5.93555 c S 81.61133 30.49805 m S 68.6748 48.49805 m 31.38184 1.41797 30.95703 0.86523 30.95703 0.32227 c 23.98633 53.31055 m 75.2998 8.81055 76.61133 10.81055 77.48633 10.62207 c
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