(2) a solvent surety company authorized to do business in this state. Sec. (d) The board shall hold a public hearing on the annual budget. The commissioners court of a county may establish a county correctional center after receiving the written consent of the sheriff. Sec. A list of the appointments shall be posted in a conspicuous place in that office. The commissioners court of a county with a population of more than 3.3 million or a county that borders the Gulf of Mexico may establish a department of county park rangers. 1248, Sec. Sept. 1, 1993; Acts 1995, 74th Leg., ch. 277, Sec. (b) A day room must be suitably furnished. (c) The board shall prepare and approve an annual budget. A joint facility is not required to be located at the county seat of one of the counties. Texas If the district is composed of one county, the person who serves as vice-chairman shall also perform the duties of the secretary. Aug. 28, 1989; Acts 1995, 74th Leg., ch. 1, Sec. Boy Who Beat His Teaching Aide Will Be Charged as an Adult Acts 1987, 70th Leg., ch. A fine collected under this section shall be deposited in the county treasury. DISADVANTAGED BUSINESSES. (2) the Health and Human Services Commission of the release or discharge of a prisoner who, immediately before the prisoner's confinement in the county jail, was receiving medical assistance benefits. (3) at any other time at the call of the presiding officer. (4) a request that the district be created. The district shall deposit the bond in its depository and shall keep a copy of the bond in its main office. 351.152. September 1, 2013. (4) "Survivor" means an individual who is a victim of a sexual assault or other sex offense, regardless of whether a police report is filed for the incident. (c) The board shall levy taxes on all property in the district subject to district taxation. (c) It is the intent of the legislature that the county shall: (1) develop guidelines targeted to disadvantaged businesses in order to inform them fully about the county's contracting and procurement processes and the requirements for their participation in those processes; (2) develop guidelines to inform disadvantaged businesses of opportunities with the county, including, but not limited to, specific opportunities to submit bids and proposals. Amended by Acts 1990, 71st Leg., 6th C.S., ch. June 17, 2011. Acts 2009, 81st Leg., R.S., Ch. (3) a majority of the registered voters in a majority of the counties in the district vote to dissolve the district in referendum elections. 351.182. (f) A refunding may be accomplished in one or in several installment deliveries. Flagler County Sheriff's Office. (d) At an election to authorize bonds payable wholly from ad valorem taxes, the ballots must be printed to provide for voting for or against the proposition: "The issuance of bonds and the levy of taxes at a maximum rate of _______ for payment of the bonds." (a) The commissioners court of a county may appoint, contract for, or employ licensed physicians, dentists, or other health care providers to provide health care services to inmates in the custody of the sheriff. (c) A deputy performing duties under the contract remains a county employee subject to the same benefits and restrictions as any other deputy. (e) The board shall canvass the returns and declare the results of the election. 1, Sec. 76, Sec. The board shall maintain any other offices and stations necessary to carry out this subchapter. 1. The State Governor can remove a County Sheriff from office, for corruption or incompetence. 2. The State Police, can remove a County Sheriff fro 351.135. 351.084. 1568), Sec. 5, eff. A county jail must be: (3) properly ventilated, heated, and lighted; and. (c) Each petition must be certified as valid by the county clerk of the county in which the petition is filed. That means that they can board your vessel to make sure that your water-safety equipment is in compliance. June 18, 1999. Sept. 1, 1989. 351.033. FINANCING. 5, eff. Money received from the operation of a county jail industries program shall be deposited in the general revenue fund of the county to be used as reimbursement for the cost of inmate confinement. Added by Acts 1993, 73rd Leg., ch. Texas Sheriffs (b) The contract must provide for the payment of the fees to the county. (b) At the hearing, the board may require the presentation of any additional information or testimony necessary to make a determination, and the receiving county, if any, may have its representative attend the hearing and present any information and testimony that the receiving county considers necessary. The sheriff of a county may enter into an agreement with a third party with experience providing reintegration resources or services to former prisoners under which the third party assists a person who is released or discharged from the county jail with the reinstatement of the person's eligibility for, as appropriate: (1) medical assistance benefits under Chapter 32, Human Resources Code; (2) Supplemental Security Income (SSI) benefits under 42 U.S.C. (d) The jail district shall make any conveyance of a jail facility to a receiving county as provided by this subchapter free of all interest and indebtedness of the district. Flagler County Sheriff's Office. Each sheriff has the exclusive right to hire, discharge, and supervise the employees in the sheriffs office. 351.103. Marshals or Police Officers, 4. Aug. 28, 1989. 351.129. (a) In this section, "disadvantaged business" means: (1) a corporation formed for the purpose of making a profit in which at least 51 percent of all classes of the shares of stock or other equitable securities are owned by one or more persons who are socially disadvantaged because of their identification as members of certain groups, including black Americans, Hispanic Americans, women, Asian Pacific Americans, and American Indians, who have suffered the effects of discriminatory practices or similar insidious circumstances over which they have no control; (2) a sole proprietorship for the purpose of making a profit that is 100 percent owned, operated, and controlled by a person described by Subdivision (1) of this subsection; (3) a partnership for the purpose of making a profit in which 51 percent of the assets and interest in the partnership is owned by one or more persons described by Subdivision (1) of this subsection. ASSISTANCE WITH REINSTATEMENT OF BENEFITS. June 14, 1989. 973, Sec. September 1, 2005. DONATION TO CERTAIN CRIME STOPPERS AND CRIME PREVENTION ORGANIZATIONS. 351.254. 12, eff. heraldtimesonline.com Also, if the work is substantially complete, the board, if it finds the amount retained to be in excess of the amount adequate for the protection of the district, may release to the contractor all or a part of the excess amount. (2) must be restrained from committing acts of violence against other persons. (d) If the district, in the exercise of the power of eminent domain, makes necessary the relocation, raising, lowering, rerouting, or changing in grade or alteration of the construction of any highway, railroad, electric transmission or distribution line, telephone or telegraph properties and facilities, or pipeline, all necessary relocations, raising, lowering, rerouting, changing in grade, or alteration of construction shall be accomplished at the sole expense of the district. (e) A construction contract must be in writing and signed by an authorized representative of the district and the contractor. A group of sheriffs from Texas and other states claim the constitution gives them power to oppose some federal laws. Jurisdiction: Where Can What is the Difference Between Sheriff, Police and Constable? (a) The sheriff or jailer may receive into the county jail a federal prisoner delivered by a federal law enforcement officer unless the sheriff or jailer determines that receipt of the prisoner may violate a state or federal court order, a statute, or a rule of the Commission on Jail Standards or the Texas Board of Criminal Justice. 1, eff. 351.126. Please note: Some duties performed by officials may vary within individual counties. WebAccording to the Texas Code of Criminal Procedure 2.12 Who are Peace Officers, the following is a list of Texas Peace Officers in the order given: 1. (d) A district's bonds may be issued in the form, denominations, and manner and under the terms, conditions, and details and shall be signed and executed as provided by the board in the resolution or order authorizing their issuance. The commissioners court may not award a contract under this section unless the commissioners court requests proposals by public notice and not less than 30 days from such notice receives a proposal that meets or exceeds the requirements specified in the request for proposals. over (2) designate the county official or officials responsible for determining which inmates are allowed to participate in a county jail industries program. Acts 2013, 83rd Leg., R.S., Ch. Election conspiracies fuel dispute over voter fraud system To carry out this subchapter, the district may: (1) apply for, accept, receive, and administer gifts, grants, loans, and other funds available from any source; (2) enter into contracts with the federal government and its agencies, this state and its agencies, local governmental entities including the county, and private entities; (3) conduct, request, and participate in studies, investigations, and research relating to providing a jail facility; and. (b) Each bunk must have a clean, comfortable mattress and enough clean blankets for the prisoner's comfort. 351.202. 700, Sec. (2) order additional health care services, including obstetrical and gynecological services and mental health services, as appropriate. (f) The board may provide for the appointment of a tax assessor-collector for the district or may contract for the assessment and collection of taxes as provided by Title 1 of the Tax Code. (c) The law of this state applying to deputy sheriffs applies, to the extent practicable, to county park rangers. 778 (H.B. (c) A district is composed of the area of the county or cooperating counties that created the district. in Texas LOCAL GOVERNMENT CODE CHAPTER 351. COUNTY 351.046. (g) Instead of the method set forth in this section, a district may refund bonds as provided by the general laws of the state. 479, Sec. Sept. 1, 1987. 162. LOCAL GOVERNMENT CODE CHAPTER 85. SHERIFF REFUNDING BONDS. 149, Sec. (a) At an election to confirm the creation of a district, the board may include a proposition to approve the issuance of bonds and the levy of a property tax by the district. Sept. 1, 1999. 351.127. WebHowever, the sheriff must first comply with th|Sheriff, authority of, a sheriff has the authority to deduct costs incurred for damage to jail property for the commissary account MEETINGS AND RECORDS; CONFIDENTIALITY. OATH AND BOND. 3, eff. Sec. 1, eff. Added by Acts 2001, 77th Leg., ch. 149, Sec.
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