In life (as distinct from branding), the three most used and most powerful words are, "I love you." Together, they are definitive. Ensure that the words you choose are genuine and reflect yourself accurately. Dont say youre the best or a leader in the field of unless you actually are. Your words wont create your professional brand, but they can certainly help to support it. the words themselves are just a means to that end, so dont stress out over finding a single perfect word or phrase to describe you. Dial-in your brief personal brand statement that you want to present so you can recite it on autopilot. Goals. Thats where verbs come in: they help demonstrate your brand rather than just advertising it. Your post has given me clarity to define my personal brand statement. Whats going to help you the most here is a solid personal brand statement and a good conversation or impression afterwords. That establishes trust and shows to potential clients that he understands their pain points and how to solve for them. Personal brand statements are brief statements that summarize what you do, why you do it and what differentiates you from others in your field. If they show interest, you can and should elaborate but once again, you have to do it without boring the person youre speaking to. With more and more people developing their personal brand statements, some common trends are starting to emerge. Your brand personality is essentially how you speak to your people across your different platforms and media, and having some core traits is helpful for you to always refer back to. 2 . If you want to put your projects front and center, then you can make it seem more sincere by pairing it with personal brand concepts that denote some humility, like curiosity or self-improvement. Deciding on 3-5 meaningful adjectives to characterize your brand can help you discover your ideal audience, your overall messaging, tone of voice, and your brands visuals. Product Brands: It involves promoting one individual product which requires good market research and accurate targeting for your market and personas. It's about content that's useful, helpful, and relevant to patients. I never imagined how this question would resonate with people. These three words are essentially your personal brand and should be a way to define your personality along with your professionalism. I also invite you to join our LinkedIn group, "Personal Brand Development for Leaders" so you can learn and share with others in our community. "I help thought leaders write great books in just 90 days. Efficiently accelerate growth across your company by enabling employees to share and create content on social media. He establishes his leadership in his field and shows how his passion translates to direct success with his customers. theres a fine line between letting your achievements speak for themselves and boasting. Another example might be: Bruce is an analytical, intelligent, and collaborative CEO who is dedicated to helping millennials have fun through expanding affordable gyms in the US. Weve put them into three core buckets that you can mix and match to craft a professional image that actually fits your personality. Intelligent. While you wont have that challenge, you should be inspired by his precision. Your personal brand is one of your most important assets for your long-term career development. The best personal brand statement examples are intimately tied in with the focus of the person who crafted it. Since there are still many people who are unaware of the need to create a personal brand regardless of the industry, then having a great one may just be the edge needed to win out over the competition. LeadFuze gives you all the data you need to find ideal leads, including full contact information. Your personal brand statement is the first thing that people will associate with you so you want to start off on the right foot. Be sure to take note of those too and choose words are a great fit for your brand and your business. Do you take an Think of it as your catchphrase a tagline or slogan for marketing yourself! Thats simple, succinct, and its enough of a teaser to get a response like: Wow, tell me how you do that. Thats your invitation to elaborate on your 30-second elevator pitch. A la mode means "in style" or "trendy". During a recent keynote talk on leader communication, I asked the audience to write down three adjectives that others would use to describe them. According to a recent study: Global executives attribute 45% of their company's reputation and 44% of their company's market value to the reputation of their CEO. in those situations? Once you understand how you want to be perceived, you can proactively explain your brand to others, with body language, gestures, personality, etc. It should be short and catchy but also contain enough compelling information to convey your value and show your personality. Plus, these qualities are always attractive in a professional setting. Keep reading to see 10 creative personal brand statement examples to inspire you and learn tips to craft your own. 3. This article has helped us focus in on how we can best stand out in the crowd. Your brand mantra should communicate clearly who you are, it should be simple and memorable, and it should feel inspiring to you. Companies are always changing, and growth is part of the process in any company (from start-ups to even those on the verge of an IPO). Taking your personal brand statement and making it easily found will help share what youre all about, even if someone doesnt have a lot of time to look at your profile. This doesnt mean you shouldnt make yourself available, just dont go crazy with it. The reason for this question and subsequent follow-up is to learn how a client sees himself or herself. If you want to put your projects front and center, then you can make it seem more sincere by pairing it with personal brand concepts that denote some humility, like curiosity or self-improvement. Here's an inventory of adjectives to help you describe how you look at your best. Creating a personal brand makes it more likely that your peers, professors, employers, and anyone else will associate you with positive qualities. Hi Shelley, Thank you for sharing these wonderful insights. 3. Words can't create a personal brand for you, but they can definitely support it. Troy Sandidge takes personal branding to another level by actually trademarking his own brand alias The Strategy Hacker! 1- Bold. These are some of the best personal brand statement examples on social media today. Developing a personal brand requires figuring out who you really are (your skills, values, passions, and personality), who you want to serve (your target market or audience), and how you differ from the competition (your unique . Now, I want you to find 3 words that describe your business. Glad that you enjoyed the list and we're just as surprised as you are that most job applicants don't go through this process as well. to see how other people pull this off successfully! Its often a subtle distinction that a lot of people overlook. When people interact with my content, products, and services, I want them to feel ______. The big picture of the business, the intricate details of the solution at hand, and key stepping stones of the process are collective aspects of the work you do. Thanks! Get more eyes on your personal brand statement. Sharing this info is very impactful!! Your values and goals change over time, so it makes sense that your personal brand statement would as well. Keep in mind that the brand statement is only supposed to get people interested, and not say everything about your professional career. Simple because I love easy, light and airy outfits; timeless because I can wear the same style 10-20yrs from now and relatable because anyone at any age can be comfortable wearing my style. Dont procrastinate creating your statement. Begin typing your search above and press return to search. This helps you discover your target audience, your visual aesthetic and create guidelines around your brand. When you present your personal brand statement to someone else they will likely circle back around to you later if they want to work together. What was somewhat surprising was the responses fit into three overarching categories; Expertise, Character and Drive. Also, make sure to limit yourself to only one sentence for your personal branding statement. He uses language that anyone could understand and highlights how he has unique knowledge that he uses to help and teach people. Words in this category stress movement, taking things from one point to another point. Andrea Perez uses powerful adjectives to describe who she is and her valuable experience as a consumer marketer. to be resourceful On the web, you have much more control over perceptions because people will judge you solely based on what's . Your Expertise Your Personal Brand. Make 2 lists. Your personal brand is how you promote yourself. Press Esc to cancel. things from the other side of the transaction, and applying best practices when Irene Koehler uses powerful words like transform and unforgettable to get her point across quickly and succinctly. Get the 9 secrets of job hunting with a humanities degree (free), PLUS a new career strategy delivered to your inbox once per week (3-minute read). Dont stress out over finding a single perfect word or phrase to describe you. Even after youve decided on a statement, it is a good idea to check with a friend to make sure that your idea of yourself matches what others think of you. Here are three types of words that describe your personal brand. It explains what you do (value), for whom do you do your work (target audience), and how do you do it (unique selling proposition). They correspond to the four Keirsey temperaments. Usage as a brand word: When bold is used as a brand word, it conveys striking attributes of the product as being . One of the most important (and sometimes the most difficult) section is to describe the feeling you want your brand to have. This post can make an impact on many people! In order to be effective, it needs to stay current. the 9 secrets of job hunting with a humanities degree, We use cookies to ensure that we give you the best experience on our website. This resource gives you 175 of the most impactful marketing words (good and bad), organized into ten categories for easy reading. You dont necessarily need a personal brand logo to stick in peoples memories, but it definitely helpsand its really part of a wider effort to Job seekers who dont think personal branding is worth their time are going to be sorely disappointed waiting for their phones to ring. A lot of companies value having employees that will act as brand advocates and will choose applicants with stronger networks and online presence because of that. The title Worlds Best Boss is a pretty big claim, and I dont think anyone is qualified to make that claim. Unambiguous. The statement of your brand should be something that others can remember easily since you need to be able to use it whenever a networking opportunity arises (baseball game, elevator, social function, etc). So if youre ready to take your personal brand up a notch (or two), keep these powerful words in mind! Having a professional philosophy and a solid professional track record are more effective than calling yourself results-oriented or something similarly canned. Decide which characteristics of you align with the organization and job role perfectly. I'm very patient and take recruiting new people for suitable positions very seriously. Thats a pretty lofty title, and its a lot like buying a mug for yourself that says worlds best boss. I guarantee this person in the example isnt even close to being widely known enough to make a claim like that. Beyond a simple tagline, your three words should reinforce who you are as a company. Your story is your brand. Can you boil your personal brand down to the ONE word that describes your value? You can use more than just a handful of words to describe yourself, and you should. Whats most important to me is that my clients gain insights and walk away with an aha moment, something they learned that makes an impact in their professional lives. The words in this category focus on skills and abilities, how the individual does his or her job well. They can It can be hard to know where to start with your personal brand. Mix and match them to create a professional persona that accurately reflects who you are. Feel free to share them in the comments, email, or Instagram DM! Since you are adaptable and versatile in any environment, being meticulous shows a flair for paying attention to detail and using critical thinking skills in analyzing complex technical issues while also jumping in with creativity when the situation calls for it. Personal branding is a very important step in the job search process. Youre a builder of communities with your weekly newsletter, really? Brand Adjectives: Daring, spirited, imaginative, up-to-date. People will search for you online and check out your reputation when they are evaluating whether to hire you or partner with you. Instead of telling people everything you do or everything they will experience when they work with you, you are simplifying this to just ONE word that sends a clear message of your value! Choose a word or phrase that describes your motivation for making sales. business. Instead, highlight words that represent your personal, authentic brand. speak volumes about you as a leader, professional, and individual when it comes When I talk to my ideal people, I want my tone of voice to be _________. Give your company a competitive edge and your team a professional boost. UGC Creators: What Are They? But even more than that I seek to inspire and lift people and processes up. Youre a builder of communities with your weekly newsletter, really? What three words describe your personal brand? I live for opportunities to deliver game-changing, digital and physical global marketing programs that deepen consumer connections, accelerate revenue and drive brand growth.. Use the personal branding statement examples below for inspiration when coming up with your own. for your long-term career development. Which words best describe what your brand must convey? Your personal brand statement should be short enough to fit on one line on your business card. By doing so, youll come across as more sincere. And the third category, Drive highlights words such as determined, trailblazer, intense and game-changer, and yes I know this is two words. Motivated 3 . Choosing the right personal brand words is one of the most effective methods for doing this. Then I figured out why. describe you and what would they say about your best work traits? She establishes herself as an expert on Twitter and someone that cares about being a teacher and coach for others. If youve ever come across someones LinkedIn profile and cringed a little, then you know what I mean. This represents your point of differentiation. . Its important to let your accomplishments speak for themselves. Those are the personality traits your brand needs to fully represent from here on out in all of its visual and verbal communications. Other people tend to struggle coming up with just ONE word. 1. If my brand was a person, they would be described as __________, __________, and _______. Instead, use these words and terms in combination with action-oriented verbs that are descriptive of what you do. You might even want to, speak with a personal branding consultant. Sage Alliance, a Leadership Performance Company, provides coaching, team-building and assessments, workshops and speaking on topics including; leadership development, empowering teams, communications, lasting impressions, personal branding and building a coaching culture for executives and high-potentials for both team and individual leaders. Start Online. Everyone has such descriptive words. What adjectives would you use to describe your business? When working with new clients, I ask them to describe what emotions they want their business, personal brand to convey. And having a personal brand statement makes it easy for anyone employers, customers, clients, or contacts to identify if they want to work with you or listen to what you have to say. They can be used to describe an individuals personality, work ethic, skills, and more. LeadFuze aggregates the world's professional data and the companies they work for, to give you an easy way to build the most targeted, and accurate list of leads imaginable. You might even want to speak with a personal branding consultant to strike the right balance. The benefits of writing a personal brand statement are hard to deny at this point, and well explain in this article why having one is so important today. Keep in mind that A personal brand statement is a 1-2 sentence that sums up your brand. Since the purpose of a personal brand statement is to briefly list your primary skills, it is necessary to target the industry where those skills are most useful. Be sure to connect with me on Facebook, and follow me on LinkedIn andTwitter. The second piece of information I ask is: Explain why By honing in on these areas, you can start to build a strong personal brand that will serve you well both professionally and personally. I cannot emphasize this fact enough when looking for a job you have to be willing to be your own advocate. Rather, its something you should consult, review, and revise on a continuous basis. First, understand that the words you use are just a means to convey powerful ideas. For the past 15+ years, I have been . If youre looking to make your personal brand more irresistible, focus on using words that will resonate with your target audience. Thats why its important not to confuse your message with your personal brand words. Explain why you chose them. Aware. about your character and credibility. Try telling it to a friend or significant other one time and see if he or she can easily recall the entire sentence. Brevity begets precision. It will make you memorable, and help your end goal tremendously. You can use self-praise on your portfolio website, resume, and LinkedIn profile, but it might look tacky or insincere. Excellent post !! Understanding your strengths and weaknesses-and your 3 word selfallows you to start building your personal brand. to describe yourself when building Here are some other personal brand statement examples that are more oriented around driving an action: As you can see, these personal brand statement examples are all about the value that they can provide others. They dont drone on and on, instead, they get right to the point and let the details get sorted out later. Goal-oriented 1 . Consider using words in your description that correlate with the four aspects of personal branding: When it comes to personal branding, there are four key aspects to focus on: skills and competence, personality and character, motivation and drive, and achievements and experience. Deciding on 3-5 meaningful adjectives to characterize your brand can help you discover how to connect with your ideal audience, your overall messaging, tone of voice, and . If so, youre off to a good start. An awesome personal brand statement example jumps right out at you. Then, look at the job description again and think of which words best relate to it. Creating a three-word brand that works for you in your future job and is recognizable will add to your credibility with a potential employer. What I mean by this is what people uniquely think of when they think of you. I teach people how to use unconventional strategies to land jobs they love in todays market (without connections, without traditional experience, and without applying online).. Protected. Austin Belcaks personal branding statement is a lesson in how to showcase your value simply. Your brand statement is not a personal mission statement or job title, but rather your catchphrase if you will about your specific expertise. It can't be more or less than 3. You dont want to come across as inauthentic or self-serving, so use them sparingly. If youve ever cringed a little at someones LinkedIn profile then you know what Im talking about., Introduction To Personal SEO (Search Engine Optimization), Improve Your Google Results: Getting Started, Advanced Tactics to Improve Your Google Results, How to Fight an Unwanted Image Result On Google, How To Bury Or Push Down Negative Google Search Results, I help people create new opportunities in their businesses and careers., I am a personal trainer, specializing in weight training and mobility., I give authors visibility on untapped promotional platforms where they can share their work., I spark new product ideas for large companies that have stagnant product cycles., I help CEOs transform their brand in only 60 days. Theyre wrong you have way less than 30 seconds to make your first impression on a hiring manager, prospective client, or somebody you meet at a networking event. However, a personal brand statement is just fluff unless you align your actions with it. 3. This is especially helpful for recent graduates who need a professional edge in lieu of years of experience.. Too often we see people try to present their personal brand statement in a way thats robotic or overly professional. If youre in the pharmaceutical industry, DocStations pharmacy management software will help your business to level up, especially during a pandemic. Frankly, it can make all the difference in short-term job searches as well. Examples of brands: Coca Cola, Nike, Gong. These keywords that describe your industry expertise are: I am an effective and versatile creative strategist who is resourceful, methodical, experimental, and curious. One-to-one meetings with your manager and 360 0 feedback from peers and colleagues will help you understand if the . It can make a significant difference in short-term job searches. That's your invitation to elaborate on your 30-second elevator pitch. Helping sales, marketing, and recruiting teams find new leads. Its always good to keep learning! No matter your occupation or personality, you should have your own personal "dress code" that follows your unique look, tied to your personal brand and goals. This helps develop the clients personal brand because these words formulate key selling points of the client to a prospective employer in a job interview. Be careful not to boast about your achievements too much, or you may come across as arrogant. Thats why you get a summary and an entire about section on LinkedIn to. In case you want some personal brand statement examples to help guide you, there is a handful below. Then, ask a close friend or co-worker what 3 words they'd use. The four aspects of personal brand words. dishonest. Elizabeth has developed a highly engaged audience on LinkedIn by offering job search advice and sharing more from her personal life. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. The hype around their products and services is unreal because they invoke certain emotions in the customers with their creativity and passion. Consider Your Brand As An Agent. When it comes to using descriptive words for your personal brand, less is more. Thanks to people like you and J for being willing to share your incredible insights. It will help with networking, gaining trust within your industry, and standing out from others in your field. Cultivated well, your personal brand will signal to employers whether or not you'll be the right fit for an open role. Can you be counted on to do the right thing? Its a subtle difference that most people miss. Positive 4. Now that you have some personal brand statement examples to get you going, you need to get the most out of your final product. B and C in case Plan A didnt work out. Additional words include versatile, resourceful and adaptable. describe yourself both professionally and personally. Personal brand words cant replace your strategic message, First it is important to understand that you want to convey powerful. If you have trouble brainstorming personal skills, ask close friends or co-workers what they think your strengths are. It might be a good idea to speak with a personal branding consultant to get the balance right. 1. Personal Branding is the process of establishing yourself as a thought leader in your industry. 7. Follow these steps to prepare for when employers say 'Describe yourself in three words': 1. Having this figured out will earn you more time to discuss the nitty-gritty in a lengthier discussion. Imagine being faced with a difficult situation This helps you figure out who you are, what you stand for and where you add value. It will give you a clear vision of "where your going." For example, do you sell products based on the lowest price, or are you an exclusive dealer.
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