List of famous alumni from Adlai E. Stevenson High School, with photos when available. If you see your name among the Stevenson High School graduates, someone is looking for you! JB Sarmie, Math @mrsarmie_shsmath Did you graduate from Stevenson University or Villa Julie College? Boys Varsity Football@StevensonPatriotFootball The official Facebook page of Adlai E. Stevenson High School District 125 in. Aislinn Brogdon 2018-2022. Boys Lacrosse @shspatslax Samuel Azou 2016-2020. Athletics 7. Coach Valenti, Cross Country Track & Field@CoachLeVanti Archery @stevensonarchery Learn more about joining the Mustang Family. He was signed by the Green Bay Packers as an undrafted free agent in 2010 and later won Super Bowl XLV with them over the Pittsburgh Steelers. This directory is not just composed of graduates of this school, as some of the famous people on this list didn't necessarily earn a degree from Adlai E. Stevenson High School. National Association of Independent Schools, "Search for Private Schools School Detail for STEVENSON SCHOOL - PEBBLE BEACH CAMPUS", "Search for Private Schools School Detail for STEVENSON SCHOOL CARMEL CAMPUS", "Negotiations for the sale of Douglas school", "Mrs. Weaver's Farewell Dinner Highlighted By Musical Revue", "Local students win honors in county math competition", "Tampa Pre Partrons bid Headmaster adieu", "Stevenson Alumni Magazine Spring/Summer 2010", "New center opening, graduation set at RLS", "Stevenson Alumni Magazine Spring/Summer 2015",, "Stevenson Coach and Athletic Director wins Golden Whistle Award", "Stevenson Alumni Magazine Fall/Winter 2010 by Stevenson School - Issuu", "Carmel Valley's Heather Pease-Olson, Olympic champ, enshrined at Stanford", The Association of Boarding Schools profile,, High schools in Monterey County, California, Educational institutions established in 1952, Short description is different from Wikidata, Infobox mapframe without OSM relation ID on Wikidata, Articles with unsourced statements from April 2018, Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License 3.0, This page was last edited on 16 January 2023, at 21:48. The Stevenson High School alumni website helps alumni from the high school reunite with lost friends. Lean In: Feminismand Leadership Club FIRE (Fostering Inter-Cultural Respect and Empowerment) @fireclubshs Girls Volleyball @stevensongirlsvolleyball Forgot account? Miss Albert, Physics and Chemistry @missalbert Stevenson Foundation@stevensonhsfdn Focus on the big things and the opportunities you have ahead of yourself.. He is one of the co-hosts of Good Morning Football on NFL Network. Class notes will be shared in future issues of Ventures. A set of guidelines and protocols for our mentors and students is provided to help create a mutually beneficial relationship. Model United Nations@stevensonmodelun Stevenson High School Facebook Page @stevensonhs Divisions and Departments College and Career Center @SHSCollegeCareerCenter Fine Arts, Choral Guild @SHSChoralGuild Information and Learning Center ILC Patriot Recreation Education Program, PREP @shsprep PREP Camp Patriot @prepcamppatriot Stevenson Foundation @stevensonhsfoundation Facebook Citizen U with Andrew Conneen Dan Larson and@politicoolprep Mr. Weis was the dictator of ripped jeans and spaghetti strings. Santa Ana High School will soon be ready for its closeup after officials decided to name several streets and buildings on campus after famous celebrities. Famed Santa Ana High Alums, Local Notables Officially Immortalized. PLEASE LIST THE NUMBER OF YEARS YOU HAVE ATTENDED THE BANQUET ON YOUR RESERVATION FORM. SHS TV@SHSTV Thank you! School. Fine Arts@SHS_FineArts Pamela Anderson 1968-1972. Stevenson students have the opportunity to join one or more of 50 student clubs and organizations. Table Tennis @stevensontabletennis Education. Community Parent Network@communityparentnetwork Stevenson University supports and encourages alumni involvement to help further the mission of the University. Patriot Parent Organization@SHSPPA The Alumni Association Board builds alumni connections and provides continuous commitment to the growing Stevenson University community. List of famous alumni from Adlai E. Stevenson High School, with photos when available. Below are some ways you can serve as a volunteer and remain actively engaged with your alma mater. With our new alumni engagement platform, 360Alumni, you can reconnect and network with fellow SHS graduates, post and seek job opportunities, keep up on Stevenson and alumni news, participate in events and reunions, and more. This list answers the questions Which famous people went to Adlai E. Stevenson High School? We encourage you to review the social media accounts below and connect with us, show your support for our school and participate in an open exchange of information and ideas. The building is decorated with plush rugs and also features an amphitheater stage, which hosts school assemblies and concerts. Peer Helpers@stevenson_peerhelpers So will Edith Gilbert, a beloved principal at Fremont Elementary during the 1920s, and former mayor Lorin Griset, who founded the Santa Ana Christian Mens Assn. Special Frequent Buyer Card good at the Rockland Marketplace; purchase six meals and get the seventh free! Boys Wrestling@SHSPatWrestling Help us keep in contact with you through any major life changes. Stephen Attard 1981-1985. We have a few students who went from a 0.9 GPA in middle school to now being a 3.5 GPA student in high school.. Adlai E. Stevenson High School | Lincolnshire IL It is the pathway to lifelong success, said Szymaszek. Patriettes@SHSVP4L It makes my day, said Connie Lujan, who as a former Fremont student watched Gilbert feed hungry children, offer guidance to families and make sure every student had a gift to unwrap at Christmas. Exclusive invitations to alumni events such as Homecoming + Family Weekend, alumni gatherings, on-campus speakers, and guest lecturers. In 1988 girls were first admitted as boarding students with the opening of the Silverado dormitory. Girls Gymnastics@shsgymnasts Sterling Heights, Michigan. The Stevenson University Alumni Association exists to create a strong and vibrant network of alumni who work to advance themselves and the SU community by participating in current University events while connecting themselves with fellow alumni. Boys Bowling@SHS_BBowling Adlai E. Stevenson High School Titans. Michael Feigh, Athletic Coordinator@CoachFeigh "THE BEST SHS FOOTBALL TEAM EVER??" The sites listed include official social media channels for Stevenson High School as well as social media sites managed by Stevenson divisions, athletic teams, clubs, parent groups and teacher sites that are active and open for anyone to follow. Patrick Fairchild, Art teacher @fairchild_shs_art Stevenson High School Instagram Account:@stevensonhsAthletics Whether it be a 2- or 4-year college, a trade or technical school, or a certification program, we are committed to helping our graduates pursue their goals. Boys Football@SHSpatFB The Board also brings an invaluable expertise from a wide range of professions including business, law, finance, information technology, the arts, and more. I dont think there could be a finer tribute.. The list of names is also useful for getting together a Adlai E Stevenson High School reunion if you don't have a complete list of the students from your graduating class of Gourmet Foods@shsgourmet Use of the Office of Career Services and professional development for career networking and mentoring opportunities. Girls Lacrosse@PatriotsGLax For Mayo, his most rewarding moments involve developing authentic relationships with the youth his organization serves. Roger Avary - 1983, Writer ( Pulp Fiction, Beowulf), director ( Killing Zoe, The Rules of Attraction ), producer. None listed at this time. Give yourself a competitive edge. Swanenburg says her role provides an opportunity to positively impact peoples lives and careers. Operation Snowball@shsoperationsowball Baroque Ensemble @StevensonHSBaroqueandViols Register to let other graduates of Stevenson High School find and contact you. Welcome to the 65 th Stevenson High School Alumni Annual Meeting and Reunion. The board also agreed to work with local fire, police and Orange County sheriffs authorities to come up with a name for an elementary school campus that would memorialize public safety personnel who have fallen in the line of duty. Stevenson High School Twitter Account@stevensonhsDivisions and Departments The Santa Ana Unified Board of Education voted late Tuesday to name the assembly hall at the high school near 1st and Flower streets Bill Medley Auditorium for the alumnus, half of the singing Righteous Brothers. Explore our professional minors, The Starting Gate Stevenson Campus Store. Write Club @shswriteclub Nearly 100% of Stevenson graduates continue their education elsewhere. Swanenburg currently serves as the head of Human Resources at T. Rowe Price. Alumni are encouraged to connect with the Alumni Association online in order to stay in touch with friends and classmates. Nyvelia Chenoweth - Stevenson High School Class of . Register to let other graduates PREP Camp Patriot@prepcamppatriot Stevenson High School YouTube Account: Adlai E. Stevenson High School, Associated Accounts He was murdered along with Brown at her home in Los Angeles, California, on June 12, 1994. Julie earned her associate degree in Early Childhood Education from Villa Julie College and later attended Towson University where she earned her bachelors and masters degree in Early Childhood Education. Stevenson Broadcast Network, Family, Career and Community Leaders of America (FCCLA), FIRE - Fostering Inter-Cultural Respect and Empowerment Club, Multilingual Parent Advisory Committee (MPAC), Computer Science, Engineering and Technology. The names listed below are alumni who have been searched for on this site from Stevenson High Schoolin Stevenson, Alabama . of Stevenson High School find and contact you. Food Revolution@shsfoodrev Find Alumni in Illinois > Strings @stevenson.strings Official event . Stevenson School (also known as Robert Louis Stevenson School and abbreviated as RLS) is a coeducational, private school for boarding and day students in preschool through twelfth grade. Patriot Student Section@PatStudentSec [11], In 2015, it was announced that Stevenson graduate Kevin Hicks would succeed Wandke as president. The Young Alumni Award is presented to a graduate of the past 15 years who has achieved extraordinary professional success, has a personal commitment to civic or humanitarian efforts, and has remained engaged with their alma mater. If you see your name among the Adlai E Stevenson High School graduates, someone is looking for you! Stevenson Foundation@stevensonhsfoundation Swanenburg has maintained a strong connection to her alma mater through the years and currently serves on the Presidents Advisory Council. The University also complies with all applicable laws and federal regulations regarding prohibition of discrimination and accessibility on the basis of age, disability, veteran status, or otherwise. Girls Softball@SHS_PatSoftball Click on the Yearbooks below to view a copy Online at Pick your high school above. Boys Basketball If so, congratulations! Cricket @shs_cricket During my time at the university, my life circumstances were extremely challenging. The Stevenson High School Athletics program consists of more than 35 sports teams, state-of-the-art facilities, and dedicated student athletes, coaches, staff members and supporters. Fine Arts Thespians@shsthespians We request that school-affiliated accounts be registered with the Stevenson Public Information Department. Students Helping Soldiers @studentshelpingsoldiers2K19 Its high school and Pre-K through eighth-grade campuses are located in Pebble Beach and an unincorporated area of neighboring Carmel, respectively. [13], Stevenson fields varsity teams in tennis, golf, baseball, basketball, American football, lacrosse, field hockey, swimming, water polo, and sailing, among others. Ambassador Yearbook@shs_ambassador Boys Basketball@SHS_BHoops Student Ambassadors @studentambassadorsshs This list of distinguished Adlai E. Stevenson High School alumni is loosely ordered by relevance, so the most recognizable celebrities who attended Adlai E. Stevenson High School are at the top of the list. Thanks for your patience with our new system. The forerunner of Utica High School, the Utica Union School, opened in 1860. Generously donated by SHS Alumni in support of vital Foundation programs, Alumni stayed connected via our social media channels and newsletters, Alumni & friends cheered on the Patriots at the Homecoming football game, Ryan FowlerCommunications & Alumni Relations ManagerRFowler@StevensonFoundation.org847.415.4471, Two Stevenson Drive, Lincolnshire, Illinois 60069 847.415.4472, Two Stevenson Drive, Lincolnshire, Illinois 60069. Dance Department@shsdance1 List of famous alumni from Adlai E. Stevenson High School, with photos when available. At Stevenson, bonds don't end with graduation. may be the next best thing to finding Stevenson High School yearbooks. Community Parent Network@parentedu125 Rena Crews Hollis, Secretary, Class of 1972, Alumni Address Updating If you know of anyone who did not receive a reservation form, please contact Rena Crews Hollis by E-mail or the Alumni Association, P.O. Mrs. Hyken @mrshyken_shs_art Debate @aeshsdebate . Please Contact: Send me your class reunion pictures and I will post them as a slide show for others to see. Niko Armstrong 2012-2016. Lifetime membership in the Alumni Association. See more of Stevenson High School Alumni Association on Facebook. As a university [we] are committed to the mission that every student can succeed, accomplish great things with the right support. Bill Lahmann - President, SHS Alumni Association. Divisions and Departments Odyssey Festival @shs_odysseyfestival . Spanish Club@stevensonspanishclub Mayo continued his studies at Johns Hopkins University and has participated in several esteemed leadership development programs including a fellowship with the Open Society Institute and Greater Baltimore Countys LEADERship. Girls in Steam @shsgirlsinsteam Related Pages. 2022 Invitation . Your generosity allowed the Association to continue to provide scholarships each year. Prominent graduates from Adlai E. Stevenson High School include celebrities, politicians,. Stevensons philosophy/mission aligns with what I believe about the power of education. Ainsworth High School Spartans. In 2018, Stevenson installed a new AstroTurf field for soccer and lacrosse. Stevenson Sports Boosters @SHS-Sports-Boosters, Instagram Bethesda Christian School. Physical Welfare @SHS_PW Stagecrafters @shs.stagecraft Include year, location and any other info you would like included. Postal Service. If you don't see your class's yearbook here, scroll down and check out your individual class year. Adrian, Michigan. I credit Ville Julie College/Stevenson University for giving me the foundation and skills along with a can do attitude for a successful career in education.. Catalyst /Bear the Drug Dog@shs_bear_official Information learning Center@shsilc Stevenson High School. Adrian High School Maples. The Best NFL Head Coaches to Have a Beer With, The Best New York Jets Coaches of All Time. Emma Degen, Girls Golf and Girls Track & Field @CoachDeegs Home > Fine Arts Baroque Ensemble and Viols@SHSBaroqueEns Girls Diving@shsdiving Free the Children@shs_ftc Trustees also decided to name Santa Ana High Schools swimming complex after two-time Olympic gold medal diver Bob Webster, and the athletic complex for Valley High School and Carr Intermediate after baseball player Gary Templeton, who has donated money to local youth baseball programs. Stevenson, Washington. Dont get caught up in the little things. You decide on the number of students who can contact you and what content areas you wish to share. Beth Brilowski, Business Education Teacher@MrsBriloClass Students Helping SoldiersFacebook Group Through Apr. List features graduates like Rex Ryan and Dani Woodward. Girls Softball @patsoftball We no longer have the pretty blue paper but we had to cut the frills to cut costs! We realize that a Adlai E Stevenson High School year book may be hard to find so registering to complete your school's Virtual Yearbook Mrs. Nocella, Math @mrstnocella If you have material you would like published on the Alumni site please send to. Jan Atencio--whose two grown children still refer to Engman, who died in 1993, as Uncle Earl--said she is thrilled board members took the communitys recommendation to heart. Hockey@SHSHockeyClub PLEASE advise all Alumni that we must have good, current addresses for our new system of mailing. The district sought the communitys input in the naming process and received about 100 recommendations over about three months. Best Buddies Transition@bestbuddiestransition Stevenson High School Alumni News 2022 . Clubs and Activities Other clubs include international debate societies such as Model UN, music and athletic fan clubs, Amnesty International, community service groups such as the Red Cross Club, and a competitive robotics team. Brooke Card 2018-2022. Watching them develop and reach unexpected goals is rewarding, said Mayo. Stevenson University was an important part of my career journey, and I am honored and appreciate that [the university is] recognizing me 30+ years later for what I have accomplished professionally, said Swanenburg. In 1925, Grace Parsons Douglas (1880-1968) founded the Douglas Camp School for Girls in Pebble Beach after purchasing the land on the Monterey Peninsula from Samuel Finley Brown Morse. If you see your name among the Adlai E Stevenson High School graduates, someone is looking for you! Be a Mustang. Other future elementary schools will be named for: Frank Quevedo, a vice president with Southern California Edison who has helped raise $1.5 million for the Hispanic Education Endowment Fund; the Otsuka family, who farm strawberries at Fairview Street and Civic Center Drive, land the district hopes to acquire for one of the new schools; and Manuel Esqueda, a local banker and founder of the Los Serafines Scholarship Fund, which has helped more than 1,000 high school students go on to college. TIMES STAFF WRITER. Future Business Leaders of America@stevenson.fbla Many of you contributed to the Scholarship Fund the last two years, even though we were unable to hold the reunion. In this regard, Stevenson University complies with all relevant federal, state, and local laws. Stand Strong Coalition@standstrongcoa1 Mrs. Lohrmann, Gourmet Foods@MrsLohrmann Fashion and Interior Design@shs_design David Lindley, guitarist best known for work with Jackson Browne, dies at 78, K-Pop isnt the only hot ticket in Koreatown how trot is captivating immigrants, Los Angeles is suddenly awash in waterfalls, The Week in Photos: California exits pandemic emergency amid a winter landscape, Snowboarder dies at South Lake Tahoe resort, California to alter COVID rules in healthcare settings: Masks and vaccinations not required. Mrs. Wrona, Physics teacher @mrskwrona This is long overdue, she said Wednesday. On this Wikipedia the language links are at the top of the page across from the article title. Ronald Lyle Goldman (July 2, 1968 June 12, 1994) was an American restaurant waiter and a friend of Nicole Brown Simpson, the ex-wife of O. J. Simpson. Robert Louis Stevenson Jr High Alumni Class List The names listed below are alumni who have been searched for on this site from Robert Louis Stevenson Jr Highin Los Angeles, California . Boys Varsity Basketball@StevensonBoysBasketball Kristen One, Science@onethescientist [9], Also in 1988, the school was approached by the board of Briarcliff Academy, a private elementary school in the unincorporated area of Carmel Woods, north of Carmel, regarding a merger of the two schools. The names listed below are alumni who have been searched for on this site from Stevenson High Schoolin Bronx, New York . and Which celebrities are Adlai E. Stevenson High School alumni?more0:00 - Intro0:00:08 - Frank Zombo0:00:17 - Rob Ryan0:00:24 - Kyle Brandt0:00:33 - Joe Lando0:00:40 - Ronald Goldman0:00:47 - Rex Ryan MUSIC BY: Saphire TopWe work for you! Stevenson School (also known as Robert Louis Stevenson School and abbreviated as RLS) is a coeducational, private school for boarding and day students in preschool through twelfth grade. Stevenson High School Alumni Class List. If so, you might want to consider becoming a Professional Network member through Stevenson Career Connections. As you know, our reunion supports the Alumni Association scholarships that we provide SHS graduates to help launch them on their next journey in life. . Click on the Yearbooks below to view a copy Online at Coach Joe Kinnan wrote for Sanders' MaxPreps profile, "He seems to be . Los Angeles. Brittney Andreoni 2003-2007. DJ Club Podcast@shsdjclubpodcast The school was originally located within its namesake city of Utica, Michigan until 1955, when the construction of the current building was completed in Shelby Township. Ryan was formerly the head coach of the New York Jets and Buffalo Bills of the National Football League (NFL), and also held various coaching positions with eight other NFL and college teams. #shareshs, Twitter Not only did you make a great pick for your education, but youre automatically enrolled into the Alumni Association with a lifetime membership. Find Alumni in Lincolnshire, Illinois > Thespians@shsthespians eSports@AESHSeSports Stevenson Alumni@stevensonhsalumni Robert Allen Ryan (born December 13, 1962) is an American football coach for National Football Leagues Washington Redskins. Patriot Recreation Education Program, PREP@shsprep [8], Joe Wandke arrived in 1983, and during his administration the school has undergone a thorough renovation of the physical plant. College and Career Center@SHSCollegeCareerCenter Stevenson University is a national leader in NCAA Division III athletics. This list of distinguished Adlai E. Stevenson High School alumni is loosely ordered by relevance, so the most recognizable celebrities who attended Adlai E. Stevenson High School are at the top of the list. Baroque Ensemble & Viol Consort [10], In 2003 the Rosen Family Student Center was opened. Don't miss everyday updates!Subscribe Career Prep Center. Pass On The Beat Overall, Smith has piled up eight career 20-10 outings. Famous Adlai E. Stevenson High School Alumni. 2. Girls Swim and Dive@SwimSHS Statesman Newspaper @aeshsstatesman [7] The chapel is used by some local residents, and is where boarding students attend vespers. Issa Bayyouk 2011-2015. Alumni e-newsletters to keep you informed of upcoming events and ways to get involved. My time at Stevenson helped build my self-esteem and confidence. by Steve Brady "54". Wood, Anatomy Teacher and Tech Coach@chollerwood Ive decided that I want to be the lead learning in my organization, he said. What a thrill--a great honor bestowed on my ancestor, said Eddie Grijalva, a sixth-generation cousin to the pioneer, who said hes been lobbying for the past five years to have a school named after the early rancher. 45,647 were here. Green Team @shs.greenteam Students can search on your major, industry, and career field and then reach out to you to request further information. Find Alumni in Bronx, New York > Rotary Youth Club @stevenson.ryc Orange County pioneer Juan Pablo Grijalva and Santa Ana High track coach Earl Engman will have elementary schools named for them. Athletic News View All News We are excited to be able to gather once again with classmates, teachers, and friends. The list of names is also useful for getting together a Stevenson High School reunion if you don't have a complete list of the students from your graduating class of Science Olympiad @stevensonscioly You are encouraged to donate, as indicated on the form provided. If you see your name among the Stevenson High School graduates, someone is looking for you! Fine Arts@SHS_FineArts Register to let other graduates A project of the Universitys bachelo. This will save additional costs of approximately 100 bad addresses or $39.00. Stevenson High School Alumni Class List The names listed below are alumni who have been searched for on this site from Stevenson High Schoolin Livonia, Michigan .
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