Five reasons why I had an affair
I never set out to have an affair and cheat on my husband. As I walked down the aisle and exchanged vows with Garrett, my husband-to-be, I didn’t hatch a grand master plan to cheat on him and shatter his

Is there hope for my marriage after an affair?
Is there hope after an affair? I sure hoped so. Less than a week after I confessed my affair to Garrett, I was in Italy with my mom visiting the Colosseum and the Roman Forum ruins. We had planned this

Will God forgive me for having an affair?
Five years. For five years, I cheated on my husband with a coworker. My husband, Garrett, and I had been married for 11 years before I finally confessed to the affair. So, for nearly half of our marriage, I was

Can I forgive myself for having an affair?
So, you’ve blown it. Big time. There are simply no words to describe the damage your choices and actions have caused. And now you are asking questions about forgiving yourself: I’ve been there and done that, friend. I cheated on

Should I confess my affair to my spouse?
Big sigh. Most likely if you are reading this, you are trying to find some kind of validation from a stranger online that there are good reasons to not confess your affair to your spouse. Because you are terrified at

What is the Gospel? (How to be saved by God)
“There is therefore now no condemnation for those who are in Christ Jesus.” Romans 8:1 This is the essence of the gospel, the good news, friend. That though we deserve condemnation because of our sin, there is NO condemnation for